
The Procurement Services Department is the central purchasing authority for UNCG. Our responsibilities include managing the procurement process on a University-wide level.

The University is required to follow the State of NC Procurement rules and regulations. The links below provide helpful information.

UNC System Procurement

  • UNC System Contracts

SpartanMart is the preferred method for purchasing goods and services due to the University’s greater ability to manage risk, compliance and regulations. Use of the PCard to purchase goods and services should be limited to instances where there is substantial benefit to the University.

Please contact the Purchasing Office ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Residental Deliveries

  • Reference the Flexible Work and Teleworking Arrangements Policy
  • Allowed for Individuals who have an approved Telework Plan and Agreement as a full time remote worker with a non UNCG property work location more than 60 miles from UNCG leased or owned property where your employing department is located
  • The purchase of office chairs or desk are not allowed for delivery to a residential address
  • Proper documentation must be attached within Chrome River and SpartanMart including business purpose and department head or chair approval
  • Any exception must have prior written approval from Procurement Services

Questions can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected].

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Procedures / How-To’s

The following Procure2Pay guidance document has been created to assist departments in determining the proper acquisition and payment process for the most common goods and services. Questions, please contact Procurement Services ([email protected]) or Accounts Payable ([email protected]).

As a state of NC institution, many factors were considered and weighed as we formulated this Guidance Policy for the campus. Factors considered include:

  • compliance with State of NC policies and laws
  • compliance with Federal policies and laws
  • compliance with UNCG and UNC System policies
  • ensuring adherence to University standards
  • risk reduction and mitigation
  • ability to track and manage Contracted Spend
  • ability to capture Sustainability metrics
  • ability to highlight environmentally friendly, sustainable and energy efficient products and services
  • ability to capture NC Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) metrics
  • ability to promote diverse and disadvantaged suppliers
  • efficiencies gained in Procure2Pay processes

As a rule of thumb, best practice and per the factors above, it is in the best interest of the University to issue a Purchase Order (PO), before the fact, for the majority of our goods and service’s needs. A PO arguably becomes a contract when the seller accepts the PO and acts on it. It is the actions in response to the PO that courts would examine to determine the contractual relationship. All Purchase Orders issued through SpartanMart contain the State of NC standard Terms & Conditions, affording the University the best protection and lowest risk.

As a rule of thumb:

  • PCard is ideal for infrequent purchases with a specific supplier, emergency or urgent needs, University-authorized travel, and international transaction
  • Payment Request is ideal for those purchases where the Procurement process affords no value and involves transactions that are of a low risk to the University
  • A Purchase Order is ideal for most purchases as described above
  • Reference the Procure2Pay Guidance document for the appropriate and preferred method

In July 2014, the Administrative Applications Pre-Purchase Review policy was approved by the Chancellor requiring a review by ITS prior to purchasing certain types of enterprise application software. In summary:

  • Enterprise applications (defined in the policy) must be reviewed by the Administrative Information Security Committee (AISC) to ensure that University data is properly protected.​
  • Student-facing enterprise administrative applications (defined in the policy) must be reviewed for compliance with University-approved authentication method(s). The related procedure can be found within this ​UNCG 6Tech Knowledge Base article. This article requires you to log in using your UNCG credentials.

Prior to delivery, the department expected to evaluate the equipment must:

  • Have the vendor approve the Evaluation of Equipment Agreement form
  • If applicable, have the vendor submit with the Evaluation of Equipment Agreement form a copy of liability insurance
  • Have all paperwork submitted to the Procurement Services Department

Per UNC System Quality Assurance Inspection Guidelines – receipt of goods and services in SpartanMart will serve as acknowledgement that the inspection was performed and was satisfactory. If you need assistance – please see the following contracted services available through a state of NC contract (Reference Contract 961E).

Other Helpful Information

When a department needs used equipment:

  • Complete a requisition in SpartanMart. (If the offer is competitive and subject to prior sale, the Director of Procurement Services may approve immediate purchase. Otherwise, a bid for used equipment will be issued.)
  • The Procurement Services Department will issue a purchase order.

All requests for renting and leasing should be forwarded to the Procurement Services Department by way of a purchase requisition via SpartanMart.

  • The request should be accompanied by a justification explaining the need to lease or rent rather than purchase.
  • A copy of the proposed rental or lease agreement and any additional/necessary communication needs to accompany the purchase requisition as an attachment.

The Procurement Services Department will review the request and take necessary action consistent with standard purchasing procedure.

To request materials and services from commercial vendors:

  1. Enter a requisition into SpartanMart. (An approved requisition in SpartanMart authorizes the Procurement Services Department to purchase items on behalf of the ordering department.)
  2. Attach to the requisition or send to the Procurement Services Department all supporting documentation.
  3. The Procurement Services Department will issue a purchase order. The length of time required to process a purchase requisition depends on the following:
    • If the item is on State Contract.
    • If the dollar amount does not exceed $29,000.00, the requisition can be processed without formal bidding.
    • If the dollar amount of the order is over $29,000.00 but does not exceed $75,000.00, three formal quotes are required.
    • If the dollar amount of the order is over $75,000.00 but does not exceed $500,000.00, the requirement will have to be solicited using the sealed competitive bid process.
    • If the dollar amount of the order is over $500,000.00, the requirement will need to be solicited by the State Purchase and Contract Division.
  4. The ordering department receives an electronic confirmation that the order has been placed.
  5. The ordering department confirms delivery in SpartanMart once the item(s) has been received.
  6. Any exceptions to the above requires prior written approval of Procurement Services.

The State of North Carolina defines a Small Purchase as the purchase of goods or services not to exceed $29,000, including extensions and/or renewals.

For goods or services costing less than $5,000.00 and not available through SpartanMart, use the UNCG issued PCard to complete the purchase.

If you feel the item or service you require meets the definition above of being Sole Source, complete the Sole Source Justification form and submit it along with the Purchase Requisition to the Procurement Services Department. The Sole Source Justification Form will require the following information:

  • The item and its function
  • The name and address of the suggested supplier
  • The reason for requesting a sole source purchase
  • The reason why the product or service is the only product or service that can satisfy your requirements
  • The name and address of other vendors who make or provide similar equipment or services and why these fail to meet your specific needs.

Upon receiving the Sole Source Justification Form the Procurement Services Department will review the information and the details of the requisition and process the requisition accordingly.

To establish a standing purchase order: Complete one purchase requisition in SpartanMart. The Procurement Services Department creates a Purchase Order.

  • If the order will exceed $29,000.00 in annual expenditures, competitive bidding is required unless a sole source justification form is approved.
  • If grant or contract funds are used, the standing purchase order must have a firm expiration date.
  • Change orders, cancellation or increases/decreases to the amount of a standing purchase order must be made by putting a comment in the Comments Section of the Purchase Order of the change needing to be made, selecting the buyer(s) so that they can make the change.
  • Decreases or cancellations – any remaining balance will be liquidated and returned to the ordering department to be used for other purposes.

Requests the change, cancel or close a PO are made by adding a comment directly on the Comments Tab of the PO and sending it to all the Procurement Specialists. Include the details necessary for Procurement Services to complete your request. Please see the PO Change Order/Cancel/Close Requests document for instructions and an explanation of when to request a change, cancel or close.

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In March 2014, UNCG announced the decision to participate in a Managed Print Services (MPS) program to be jointly managed by Business Affairs and Information Technology Services (ITS). The program is designed to reduce overall printing costs, simplify management of printing services, and promote environmental sustainability, while increasing the functionality available to departments. For details concerning the MPS program, please see the ITS website.

Contact for Relocation Estimates
(Relocation of existing Systel MPS units will incur a relocation charge.)

UNCG will no longer purchase or lease network or multi-function printers as these will be provided and owned by Systel and the departments will be charged on a cost per print basis. Specialty printers such as large format, photo, graphic, design, etc. are not included in MPS and can still be purchased through SpartanMart. If in question, please check with our Systel rep to see if they have a product that will meet your needs. Desktop printers may also be purchased if the department has received an exception after the potential savings assessment. In addition, departments can still order toner and ink and service agreements for all existing equipment not in the MPS program.

Each department will provide Systel with the name of the individual whose pcard will be charged each month for the print-per-page charges. Systel will send the individual a detailed invoice of the charges each month for that department.

Departments often depend upon year-end savings allocated by deans to purchase printers, copiers, paper, toner and other print supplies for the upcoming year. As a result, some departments do not currently budget these expenses, whereas under MPS, they will have to pay these costs as part of the per-print charges. How will we now pay-per-print on a monthly basis without a designated budget for it?
This is a challenge for some departments and deans. Unutilized funds originally designated for other purposes become available as the year goes on and can be easily reallocated by Fund managers throughout the year. Fund managers for departments that move to MPS will be faced with managing this throughout the year, rather than at year-end. But the end result will still be an overall lower cost for copy/print. When the Departmental Cost Savings Assessment is provided, departments/deans who are not able to determine a way to manage their Funds so that they can benefit from the savings from MPS could first seek advice from their divisional budget contact, and if further help is needed, look to the office of Financial Planning and Budgets for advice.

How does the MPS program support UNCG’s environmental and sustainability initiatives?
The MPS Program advances UNCG’s environmental and sustainability initiatives through the elimination of equipment that consumes high levels of energy, better management of toner cartridges and their disposal, and reduction of paper consumption.

What is included in the program? What type of equipment will be provided in the MPS program?
Managed Print Services includes equipment, supplies (excluding paper), preventive maintenance, parts and repair, software, guaranteed service level response times, detailed account usage, department billing and installation and training. Systel and the MPS team will collaborate with the department to determine the types, models, and quantities of equipment from the results of the on-site assessment. The program includes several standard models of multifunctional devices, selected to meet the varied needs of the campus.

Does my equipment have to be networked to be in the MPS program?
No, although most of the MPS equipment will be networked for reporting and billing, it is not a requirement.

What happens if a department’s output changes?
If there is a substantial change in output needs such as volume, number of users, application changes, etc., Systel will consult with the department to re-evaluate their needs and may make appropriate equipment adjustments.

Am I required to participate in the MPS program?
The program is an enterprise-wide initiative supported by University leaders. The University’s goal is to have full participation from campus departments wherever practical and possible. The Departmental Cost Savings Assessment will provide departments with recommendations that will result in savings if implemented. Then, armed with that knowledge, it will be up to each department or division to determine their appropriate level of participation at this time.

Will Faxing or Scanning be charged just as a print is charged under MPS?
Scanning and outgoing faxing will not be charged under the MPS program. Inbound faxes that are set up to print are charged per page print and fax confirmations are also charged if printed. Inbound fax and confirmations can be set to be sent to an email or folder to avoid these charges.

Will our department receive a credit for toner or equipment replaced by Systel?
You may elect to receive a trade-in allowance for existing equipment and unopened unexpired toner that will be applied to your cost per print billing. UNCG is applying for a blanket approval from State Surplus to allow this trade-in.

Is the equipment provided by Systel energy star certified?
Yes, all equipment provided by Systel is energy star certified.

How much can we expect to save?
This will vary by department. Some departments, that have very old equipment or are doing a lot of printing on desktops, that elect to move everything to MPS, could save as much as 30% to 50% in printing cost. For those of you who have recently purchased large printers and have a large supply of toner, it may not make sense to change to MPS equipment at this time. That is why we elected to provide a phased in approach to MPS. The projected cost savings will be determined during the department assessment for the department’s consideration.

Who is our Systel Rep?
Steve Rowland | Senior Account Manager | 336.808.8000 ext. 2504 | [email protected]

What about service agreements that are about to expire?
Please contact UNCG’s Systel rep, Steve Rowland (336.808.8000 ext. 2504 | [email protected]) to see if we can provide you with a month to month service agreement until the MPS is put into place. If you elect to renew the service agreement prior to the assessment, please try to negotiate a shorter term in case you desire to switch to MPS prior to the next renewal.

What about leases that are about to expire?
Please contact UNCG’s Systel rep, Steve Rowland (336.808.8000 ext. 2504 | [email protected]) to see if Systel can provide you with new printer on a month to month lease until the MPS is put into place.

Our offices are located off campus. Will we be included in the MPS program?
If you have a network printer or multifunction printer or need a multifunction printer, you can be added to the MPS program.

What is the timeline for transitioning to the MPS program?
This will be based on need. Several departments have already expressed a desire to switch to MPS due to aging equipment or desire for savings. Others may elect to wait until their network or MFP device ceases to operate properly, depending on the potential savings assessment. Therefore, the timeline will be as early as a few months or up to several years depending on the life of your equipment.

Once we move to MPS will our desktop printers be removed? Should we use up our ink before we surplus it or trade it in?
In order to optimize the cost savings, it is recommended that desktop printers be eliminated where possible, but we know this may not be the best solution in every situation. Therefore, after the potential savings assessment has been completed, departments that believe they have desktop printing needs that can’t be met through the MPS program may request an exception from Procurement Services. Desktop printers are the least cost efficient and sustainable printing options on the market. Many desktop printers cost 8 to 15 cents per page to print vs less than 2 cents under MPS. Yes, we would recommend you use up your existing ink before you surplus or trade in your desktop.

Who determines who is phased into MPS first?
This will be on a need or first come first served basis. Several departments have expressed interest in being added to the top of the list.

If I have a machine less than 2 yrs old, should it be phased into MPS?
It depends, Systel will provide a cost per page for servicing your existing equipment and you can compare that against your current contract. Your department will make this decision based on your potential savings and printing needs.

Does this cover grant purchased equipment?
All MFP or network printers, regardless of fund source, are included in the MPS program.

How will Systel conduct the assessment and when will that take place?
Systel conducts a campus-wide survey of printing, this process typically takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks to be completed. Individual Departmental Cost Savings Assessment s will be conducted after that initial campus wide print survey.

Will the MPS equipment be only black and white or will it have a color option?
Departments will have the option of a color/black and white printer or a black and white only printer.

Who decides what equipment we will use?
Following your Departmental Cost Savings Assessment, Systel will make a recommendation based on their findings and analysis; device placement is a collaborative process where productivity and cost savings are the primary objectives. Each department will get final say.

Who is responsible for paying repairs during the transition if we do not have a service agreement in place for our equipment?
It is recommended that you do not allow a service contract to lapse so that each device will continue to have service until MPS is adopted. If a service agreement is about to lapse, please contact the Systel representative allow them to quote a service agreement for your current equipment.

If we are already using Systel equipment, will we get newer/updated equipment or will we continue to use our current models?
It depends; Systel will evaluate your current equipment to determine if it can be rolled into the MPS program or if newer equipment is required.

How can we print confidential data using an MPS printer?
With the Systel equipment, you will have the option of having open printing of all print jobs or having a secure print. Secure print will require you to give each employee a code to enter to retrieve their print jobs. The decision is up to your department or division.

Were other print vendors given the opportunity to bid on this?
Yes, other print vendors were given the opportunity to bid on the state contract. In addition, we received an initial assessment and cost proposals from another vendor during the review process.

What is the anticipated cost savings for the University?
The opportunity for savings is substantial depending on the participation of the program. Universities have reported or projected savings of between 20% to 30% in the MPS programs. However, it depends on several factors including the age of your equipment, # of prints from desktop printers, etc.

What will the procedure be for destroying hard drives on the MPS equipment?
Systel will either remove and give the hard drive to the department to destroy, or they will destroy it for UNCG and provide the certification that it was destroyed. The decision is made by the department.

What will be the service time to repair/ replace devices under the MPS program?
Systel has guaranteed a 4 hr. response time on repair/service calls of MPS equipment and a replacement, if required, within 1 business day.

What other Universities have adopted MPS?
Some very large Universities have already adopted an MPS Strategy. Here are some links if you want to look at their programs:

What criteria are used to determine the department’s equipment needs?
During the assessment process Systel considers multiple factors to ensure the satisfaction of all users. Although monthly volume is a major consideration, they will also evaluate other needs such as speed, quality, finishing capabilities, ease-of-use, and paper handling capacity. Systel will also review the department’s needs to print from special applications to ensure the appropriate device is selected.

Will the cost-per-page, or impression, be the only charge once my department has enrolled in the program?
Yes, with the addition of purchasing your own paper. There is no minimum that has to be printed per month. Systel will work with each department to ensure that the appropriate device is selected to meet the volume needs of the department.

What is the cost?
Base price For Systel owned equipment (no cost of ownership to UNCG) Black & White: $0.0169 per print. Color prints will be 6.4 cents or 7.9 cents depending on the printer selected.

Will departments have to buy new equipment after we enroll in the program?
No, Systel will determine in the assessment, if new printers or copiers are needed. If so, Systel will provide their equipment at no cost to UNCG other than the cost per print.

How often will equipment be refreshed in the program?
Equipment will be refreshed on an as needed basis; it is in the best interest of both parties to have good working equipment.

I have security, HIPAA or FERPA requirements, how will these be affected?
All security and compliance requirements will be discussed during the assessment and factored into the final recommendation. Departments will have the option of erasing the memory of each job after print.

Will Systel locate their printer at the same location as my existing network printer?
This will be determined by the department with recommendations from the MPS team.

Will desktop printers (scanners and fax machines) be on the contract with Systel?
No, it is the intent to eliminate costly desktop printers wherever possible.

Departments that are interested in saving money on printing costs or becoming more sustainable should contact Systel at the numbers above to schedule an assessment and next steps for using the MPS program.

What does the departmental potential savings assessment include?
Someone from your area will be asked to complete a short survey of your current printing costs and needs. You will be contacted to schedule a time to conduct the assessment. This will include a meeting with department heads, department technical support personnel, Systel and the MPS team to review your printing needs, current costs and potential MPS costs.

Will equipment be removed from the department?
Each department assessment will take into consideration the current printing environment and recommend cost saving opportunities within the assessment proposal. The final decision will be determined by the department.

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Phone: 336.334.4104
Director: Michael Logan
Email: [email protected]

  • Financial Services
  • Legal Services
  • Managed Print Services (MPS)

Phone: 336.334.4463
Assistant Director: Anthony Kilar
Email: [email protected]

  • Contracted Services
  • Independent Contractor
  • Furniture
  • Software Licenses
  • Sole Source Approval

Phone: 336.334.5073
Procurement Specialist: Lori Krise
Email: [email protected]

  • Residence Life/Supplies
  • Constructions
  • Cleaning Services
  • Annual Service Contracts
  • Computers
  • Telephones
  • Facilities Operations Services/Supplies
  • Repairs and Renovations
  • Uniforms
  • Police
  • Dining Hall

Phone: 336.334.4462
Procurement Specialist: Jim Riedel
Email: [email protected]

  • Scientific Equipment and Supplies
  • Equipment Maintenance
  • Photo Copiers
  • Printing
  • Athletics
  • Mattresses
  • Appliances
  • Vehicles
  • Equipment Repairs
  • Nursing
  • Teaching and Learning Center
  • Musical Instruments
  • AV Equipment

Phone: 336.334.4461
PCard Administrator: Valerie Nall
Email: [email protected]

  • PCard Administration
  • Training and Auditing

Phone: 336.334.4673
eProcurement and System Administrator: Allysa Robinson
Email: [email protected]

  • SpartanMart
  • Banner Support

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  • If the supplier has a punchout catalog, click on the supplier’s published quote in the punchout to add it to your SpartanMart cart
  • Complete the Furniture Purchase Form
  • Attach the form and the supplier’s quote as internal attachments to your SpartanMart requisition
  • There is no need to use this form when purchasing task/desk chairs, accessories such as coat hangers, lamps, tabletop appliances, etc.

Use this Opportunity Cost resource site to help determine if a multi-year purchase is a good deal.

Please submit the Asset Trade-in Form within SpartanMart.  It will turn into your requisition to trade in an asset.

If a vendor requires proof of UNCG’s tax exempt status, provide them the certificate and letter.

Federal law requires that we have on file a W-9 with the Employer ID number or Social Security number and signature of each person to whom the University makes a payment. New vendors must complete this form to be entered by UNCG’s Accounts Payable Department.

An editable .pdf form used to request access to departmental funds. Questions regarding this form must be directed to Systems and Procedures at 334-5936.

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